About Company / Services

Clients of Publicity Creating receive the full range of services in the field of strategic communication and PR – from the strategy development to the report preparation.

However, these are the additional services that distinguish professional team and create a positive and constructive atmosphere contributing not only to the high efficiency but also to the convenience of the customer service. Let us give a few examples.

A transparent reporting system that was implemented within the company enables to obtain at any time the information about the actual state of business conditions of a client (the number of the received publications, the status of the projects etc.).

A client gets an answer to any his/her questions in a timespan of usually no more than twenty-four-hours.  

The report includes not only the copies or originals of the publications, prepared documents, photo and video materials, but also statistics and analytics presented in charts and graphs.

If necessary, the special workshops-trainings are held for client’s employees.

Company leaders are always available to our clients, in urgent situations as well as during routine consulting.

Other structures of Publicity Group provide professional pieces of advice and take part in projects. For instance, information-analytics center Publicity performs monitoring, content analysis, conducts surveys, while event department arranges incentive tours, corporate trips.

With us it is really safe and comfortable!


In the center of attention is ethics
Publicity Creating continues the development of strategic documents
В центрі уваги — етика