News / about company / "All ways come to Publicity”: Publicity Creating Company adopted a new marketing program for 2012
27 December 2011

In December 2011, Company of Strategic Communications Publicity Creating adopted marketing program for 2012, called "All ways come to Publicity”.


In December 2011, Company of Strategic Communications Publicity Creating adopted marketing program for 2012, called "All ways come to Publicity”.

In December 2011, Company of Strategic Communications Publicity Creating adopted marketing program for 2012, called "All ways come to Publicity”.
Program will be implemented in four quarterly stages during the next year: every stage will be opened with strategic session during which key issues will be discussed for implementation of the program in each quarter.

As told in ancient times "all roads lead (or come) to Rome" and nowadays all components of the communication strategy lead to publicity. The Romans built a lot of roads in the military and trade purposes, and these roads literally led to The Eternal City Rome. Today, all company efforts on the way of promotion lead to the positive publicity.

Term “publicity” has two most common values. First is fame, popularity of company, product or brand. Second is popularization, propaganda, promotion of product or brand on the market by influence on consumer. Creating positive publicity is often one of the main tasks of marketing and PR-communications. This word can unite all main characteristics that distinguish successful brand, such as popularity among the target audience, loyalty and consumer trust, prestige (Dictionary). So to say, publicity is "generic" and broader concept that includes PR, advertising and other types of marketing communications.

"Name of our marketing program for 2012 "All ways lead to Publicity” is not just a tribute to the famous aphorism but a statement of important feature of Publicity Creating, which is ability of solving tasks for each client. No matter has your company large or middle PR-budget, represents B2B or B2C sector, interested in offline or online promotion, is located in Kiev, or in any other region, needs promotion in Ukraine or in near abroad, in any case your way to the positive resistant publicity will lead you to Publicity Creating Company”, - says General Director of Publicity Creating Valery Kureiko.

Thus marketing program for 2012 reflects company readiness for effective solving all the variety of marketing and reputation client’s tasks both corporate and retail. And also Publicity Creating adjustment to maintain and even increase the dynamics of development, steady increasing of clients.

In 2011 not least because of the implementation of marketing programs for 2011 " We solve client’s tasks effectively" the number of Publicity Creating clients has increased in 3 times. Currently, Publicity Creating clients are companies both B2B and B2C sectors, from different regions of Ukraine, working in different markets. They are all united by one thing: equally effective formation of positive publicity by Publicity Creating for all these companies.

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