
Publicity Creating conducts the following types of researches:

• monitoring of the information space

• content-analysis of the publications

• analytics

• surveys/polls

• PR audit (audit of the PR activities)

• some forms of “mystery shopping” and guerilla marketing.


 The results of the researches allow to:

  • study the situation (all types of the mentioned researches are appropriate before the strategy and communication program development)
  • evaluate the results of the PR campaign (it’s appropriate at end of the PR campaign (or its stages) in order to estimate the effectiveness of the work)
  • track the current situation (monitor negative information in the Internet, monitor competitors and determine the dynamics of publications with references to a brand)
  • introduce necessary adjustments to the communication program, information activity (analytics, content analysis)
  • better understand your target audience, their attitudes to your company, brand, their level of brand awareness compared to your competitors (surveys, media ratings)
  • reveal strong and weak sides of a company’s PR-activity in order to brisk up the work, improve methods and enhance effectiveness (PR-audit)


Publicity Creating analytics and monitoring department is involved into customer service, because monthly reports are prepared based on the findings of daily monitoring and content analysis. It should be noted that we conduct monitoring of the Web information space, social networks and blogs.

 On the basis of monitoring it’s possible to produce such products as Media-ratings, citation Index in mass media, analytical report etc.

 Poll – is an expert interview which is usually conducted for representatives of the target audience (for instance, clients, partners, journalists, experts), it’s also possible to survey the end consumers and potential clients etc.

 PR-audit is held by specialists with extensive practical work experience and fundamental knowledge, who are guided by special techniques and maintain complete confidentiality in terms of audit results (and the fact of its holding – upon customer’s request). Publicity Creating is one of the first companies in Ukraine that initiated audit of the PR-activities.

 PR-audit is often conducted in the following cases:

• company changes its business and market positioning strategies
• company has restructured or substituted top management
• company or brand faces new tasks/challenges
•  company strives to systematize work in PR
• company wants to increase the efficiency of communication or information activity
• company wants to intensify its PR activity
• company is not satisfied with the results of its PR-activity
• company wants to define its further priorities in PR
• company wants to get an independent assessment of the effectiveness of its PR-activities
• company wants to evaluate the efficiency of a PR-agency or its own PR-department.

 We also involve our subsidiary company – information and analytics center "Publicity" -  into all stages of organization and researches.


In the center of attention is ethics
Publicity Creating continues the development of strategic documents
В центрі уваги — етика