News / trends / "Corporate" and "retail" clients of PR-agency: specificity and key approaches for solving tasks
1 December 2011

On November 30, 2011 the online conference "Corporate" and "retail" clients of PR-agencies: how to find individual approach for everyone?" was held on IAC Publicity website (www.publicity.kiev.ua ). Valery Kureiko, General Director of Strategic Communications Company Publicity Creating, answered on user’s questions.

17 questions, including the official page of IAC Publicity on Facebook, were asked during the online conference. Questions mainly concerned claimed title theme of the conference: specificity of PR-agency work with "corporate" and "retail" clients.

Valery Kureiko answered the questions concerning functioning of PR-agencies at the current period, and explained the reasons of selection corporate and retail areas of working with clients in structure of Publicity Creating. In particular, he said: "Since the period when client is determining with his needs and then - when there is a choice of partner-contractor in PR area - it will be much easier to navigate now. Appealing to us, he will receive an adequate answer to his request - whether it is a single event or a compound annual program. Prepared managers, who clearly understand the specifics of corporate and retail trends, know what works best and how to achieve results, will communicate with him. We have determined the importance of achieving result for every client, no matter who it is - retail or corporate. But divisions, and experts working there, first understand specificity of order, period of development, implementation and reporting. To increase the competency we have planned some castling of specialists between departments. Specialization in directions helps to improve the quality of service.

Head of Publicity Creating also told about the most popular services. For retail clients they are: project in social media (including mutual penetration of on-line and off-line-activities), traditional press conference (but with the presence of TV cameras and live broadcasting in social networks) and organization of pr-activities. For the corporative sector at the first place, of course, are long-term promotion programs (half a year or more) with individually selected set of PR tools for achievement of marketing and/or reputation goals and, also, complex PR-projects for different tasks.


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