News / about company / Black, white and invisible: how to discern PR in the contemporary world?
15 February 2013

On February 20, at 12:00 the online-conference will take place in the press-studio «Segodnya Multimedia», which is presented by the Ukrainian PR experts for whom awkward questions or any other ones considered to be banned in the PR domain just don’t exist at all.



Valeriy Kureiko, General Director of Publicity Creating, an expert with the extensive work experience in building and reinforcing reputation of the companies and brands, business-consultant, coacher.

Rouslana Plis, Managing Partner of Publicity Creating, a chief editor of information web-site www.publicity.kiev.ua – a specialist-practitioner with the extensive experience, developer of the strategies and technologies in the field of PR-communications, a consultant, coacher and blogger.

During the conference speakers will tell about the reasons that lurk behind PR penetration into all spheres of the contemporary society, about the new industry trends and effective tools of promotion. What is modern PR and how is it useful for politicians and businessmen? How has public relations industry changed with the emergence of the Internet and social networks? And, finally, why PR may be called "invisible", although usually it is classified into "black" and "white"?

Questions from the users (34)

Viktoria Kulishova:

Do you think it is possible to attain success in the contemporary world only be means of good and expensive PR or should PR be supported by a certain reputation, that is, specific actions held for a long period of time?

The response:

R. Plis: PR is not always a costly thing. PR is often even cheaper than any other marketing tools such as advertising. But you have to work on the reputation from the first days and throughout the whole life of a company or brand. PR is required for a consciously-done work on the reputation. It is next to impossible to escape the absence of reputation of a company, brand or a company leader.  If you are not working on the reputation, then it’s being shaped on the spur of the moment and, as it often happens, not in your favour. In addition it is often not under your control. We are proponents of the conscious actions, set plans at least for a year, finally for the expert management of the reputation.


What are the peculiar features of PR-communication in the social media and how to gage the effectiveness of this communication?

The response:

R. Plis: In the social networks there are basically two very important indicators: quality of the content and reach of the audience. Primarily, the companies pay attention to the number of fans on the pages. However, at the present time being the audience engagement (the number of comments, reposts, likes etc.) plays much more leading role. Indeed, this is the index that gages the extent of communication between a brand and consumers or partners on the platform.

V. Kureiko: The social media has been rapidly developing during the last 3-4 years. But we have noticed an interesting feature - the more customers are integrated into the social media, the more the importance of interpersonal communication is. This concerns basically the internet-conferences, web-seminars, incentive tours for dealers and partners etc.

Please let me know whether black PR can take place only in politics or in the business as well?

The response:

V. Kureiko: The visible "black" PR is more relevant to politics, but I have to admit that it exists in the commerce as well.

What companies require PR the most?

The response:

R. Plis: Actually PR is necessary for all companies, besides there are situations in which it is badly needed: for instance, when the new product enter the market or the IPO (Initial public offering), in case of the company mergers or acquisitions. It’s also understood that PR is badly needed in the crisis situations, when a company enters new segments of the consumer market or new countries etc. However, under the normal circumstances the companies need to maintain and develop its reputation on a daily basis.

What influences PR? For example – what are the risks of company that doesn’t take advantage of PR?

The response:

R. Plis: We take the view that PR influences marketing results. Thus, a skillfully done and systematic PR influences the success of the company on the market, this is for sure. Without a clear-cut strategy in the PR field the companies run a grave risk – first of all, their reputation is at stake. Such companies are vulnerable to crises, are not ready to communicate with journalists, consumers, the general public.  What it can turn into in case of information attacks launched by competitors or in case of extraordinary crisis situations – is easy to guess.

Maxim Kostyrin:

Is it possible to whiten the reputation of our country in the eyes of the world by means of PR? If so - how?

The response:

V. Kureiko: I think that it has been offered a lot of concepts for the last 20 years and a certain part of them was really good. Here it is another cup of tea.  There should exist a professional structure that will take charge of it and transport this into reality.

R. Plis: In our country public relations are frequently represented at the state level by former journalists. I have nothing against our colleagues in the mass media, but PR is a separate and rather complex area, and it must be treated professionally.

Natalia Hivrych:

Does PR influence only the reputation of a company or sales too? How this can be proved? Do you have any examples from your own practice?

The response:

R. Plis: The impact of PR on sales is especially perceptible in the B2B market. For sales in this sector are done by dealers, therefore their loyalty is of great significance. On the B2C market the impact is done by the correction of the reputation of a brand, companies or products in terms of the target audience’s perception.

V. Kureiko: We had clients who set the task: we need a 30% market share for this or that TM. And we solved such tasks. But these campaigns were also supported by marketing budgets, that is, there was a certain synergy. In general, PR helps to sell more and in a much easier way.

[the question is asked via press-studio e-mail] Do you agree that a press-conference is a "bygone format"?

The response:

B. Kureiko: A traditional form of a press conference has outlived itself. But in its new format – with the access to the Internet and social networks - a press event, as well as a video-interview, are usually held with a great success. Well today, we are working in a trending format.

What is the share of the PR market in Ukraine?

The response:

V. Kureiko: In 2012 the share of the PR market amounted to 288 million UAH. Our company owns about 4% of the market. In 2013 the market share will be approximately 290 million UAH, according to the researches. These figures refer only to the services ordered from the external agencies (PR agencies), meaning that this is the market share of the PR outsourcing agencies. An overall capacity and market potential of the PR market are of course much bigger.

Why the agency is better than corporate PR department?

The response:

V. Kureiko: Over the last three years we, as an agency, have been sought by the clients who were aware of the necessity to cooperate with the PR agencies, outsourcers – because this is the agency that has a diverse experience and a set of innovative developments.

R. Plis: There are 3 main benefits of the PR agencies: 1. professionalism (accumulation of diverse experience), 2. ability to do more in terms of work volume  3. predictability of the results obtained by a client. But the most optimal scheme is a combination of the internal PR department (or a PR/ marketing manager) of the company and the involvement of the external PR agency.

[the question is asked via press-studio e-mail] What are the requirements that a manager should comply with in order to work in the agency?

The response:

R. Plis: While selecting a successful candidate for this or that position, we consider only applicants with experience. We accept employees who had been previously working with the well-known brands in the big agencies. In addition, a person should possess the ability to plan, be proactive and ready to intensive work, to multitask.  Communication skills in the social networks are also extremely important.

[the question is asked via press-studio e-mail] What is the most important in the decision-making process for a client so that he decides in favour of this or that agency? What does a client receive by working with an advertising agency? Thank you, Andrew.

The response:

B. Kureiko: When a person is choosing an agency it is very important that the latter has certain practices in the industry, which a client actually represents. Additionally the agency’s proactive and comprehensive approach is of great importance: sometimes a client applies for press releases and in the end gets a complex PR campaign (including work in the social networks, video content etc.).

R. Plis: For many agencies it is a riddle: what a B2B company can do in the social networks? However we have a successful experience in this domain. Thus, customers should look for the agency with the task-solving experience.

[the question is asked via press-studio e-mail] What a young specialist can start from after his/her graduation? How to successfully compile the base of journalists? How to find a job?

The answer:

V. Kureiko:  The young professionals find their place in the PR market thanks to a proactive position and dedication to the work.

R. Plis: I would advise young professionals to find an opportunity to work in a PR agency, even if it is for free. This is an invaluable experience. Indeed, the gap between the theories taught at universities and the realities of the market, the practice is still very huge.

Soon the spring business season will come. Which PR tools should be used within this period?

The response:

V. Kureiko: Didgital PR (PR in the social networks), the Internet PR, integration of off-line and on-line formats, video content in the Internet.

Has PR ever rescued any well-known companies from the bankruptcy or other big troubles?

The response:

V. Kureiko: The answer is a classic phrase: PR and advertising for a “bad brand” lead to its fast decay and for a “good brand” are only a great benefit.

R. Plis: There are examples in the West when a company applied to a bank for a loan with the only guarantee - its own reputation. This is a telling example of the direct conversion of reputation into money.

To what extent do the Ukrainian politicians use black PR?  Meaning, could it be more cynical or is it a limit?

The response:

V. Kureiko: People usually take advantage of black PR and people are in politics and in commerce either.

[the question is asked via press-studio e-mail] Why does business need PR? Can’t we manage with the advertising alone?

The response:

R. Plis: you won’t manage to build the reputation with the advertising alone, even if it’s a many-mullioned dollar ad campaign. Business needs PR badly. It is needed to build the reputation of a company, brand on the market - this severely affects the market positions. This is notably witnessed aboard because there in case of any scandal or rumors, the company stocks will abruptly plummet down. That is, in the countries with developed stock markets public relations influences directly the capitalization. With Ukraine the situation is different but even here there is a perceptible impact of public relations.

[the question is asked via press-studio e-mail] Who needs PR - commercial companies or politicians? Do approaches in these two cases differ a lot? Thank you.

The response:

R. Plis: Globally, public relations laws are the same for different industries and for different companies and politics. But at the tactical level there is a big difference. First of all, the objectives and timing are different and hence the approaches and budgets differ either. I suppose if the methods used in commercial PR were applied in politics and vice versa, some political PR techniques were used in the commercial sector - both areas only benefited. For example, based on the logic of the commercial PR, one should move not before the election, but between the elections. Such approach would be strategically stronger.

[the question is asked via e-mail of the press-studio] What is the annual budget for PR of the Ukrainian companies for 2012-2013.

The response:

V.Kureiko: The average budget may range from 50 – 150 thousands UAH for B2B companies and from 100 thousands to one million UAH for B2C companies.

[the question is asked press-studio e-mail] Good day. How much will a year of the comprehensive PR service cost for a company?

The response:

V.Kureiko: Based on the previous cases and work experience, we can divide campaigns into B2B and B2C, thus into those which serve business and which serve the end customer. The average budget for B2B campaign may range between 50-100 thousands UAH and from 100 thousands to 1 million UAH for B2C campaign.

[the question is asked via press-studio e-mail]  Did anybody apply to your agency for black PR? Did you provide these services?

The response:

V.Kureiko: We were not approached for black PR as it is a common knowledge that we are a company with good reputation and do not provide such services. But even if someone had applied, we would have recommended such customer to develop his own effective campaign, shape its own reputation and not to damage competitors’ reputation.

[the question is asked via press-studio e-mail] What Ukrainian politician would you turn down proceeding from the ethical or principal considerations, had he applied to you for PR?

The response:

R. Plis: Imagine if a doctor or lawyer were asked such question. A professional just have to do his job. Therefore, any request has a right to be processed.

[the question is asked via press-studio e-mail] Do you have a list of services or a price list for the open access? Which of your services are the most popular?

The response:

R. Plis: In our area it is not appropriate to keep a price list for the open access and send it on the first request, as it happens on the other markets. But of course we have our inner price list, rates for our works and services. We prepare an individual offer for each client taking into account the goals and objectives, level of complexity, planned or recommended amount of work and services as well as many other details. In the end a customer receives an accurate cost estimates but only after the preliminary negotiations.

V.Kureiko: According to the frequency of requests, on the top of provided services there are complex PR programs for 6 up to 12 months. One-time events and projects, including those in digital PR, rank second. The strategy development for the "third parties", PR audit and consulting services are on the third place.

[the question is asked via press-studio e-mail] How often do new customers approach you? How long does a one-time PR project usually last?

The response:

V.Kureiko: Approximately 50-100 companies apply to us during a year, in 2012 we worked with 35 clients, the most of them were long-term projects. As for the one-time projects, they usually last from 1 to 3 months.

[the question is asked via e press-studio e-mail] Have you had any funny facts or funny situations at work?

The response:

V.Kureiko: Once we had a situation when a client was half an hour late for a press conference. Journalists were edgy and nervous and when a customer finally came, he entered a studio on ... crutches. The discontent disappeared from the journalists’ faces. It had vanished as if by magic.

R Plis: In 2004 we held a press event between the 2nd  and 3rd  rounds of the presidential election. It took place in the Khreschatyk street and, moreover, it was arranged for a Russian company. On the right there was one rally and on the left – another one. Well you can imagine how it seemed "ridiculous" for our client. Once we held an opening ceremony for a plant -  the area was large, so we used walkie-talkies. And I heard as one of the guests said to another one: “their security have only women on board”. And that were our managers!

[the question is asked via press-studio e-mail] Can you name the tools that the agency implement the best? What did clients request the PR-agency in 2012-2013?

The response:

V.Kureiko: This is for sure Digital PR, Internet PR, integration of online and offline formats.

R. Plis: In general, we receive mostly requests for a complex, long-term PR-moving.

[the question is asked via press-studio e-mail] What is the expertise of your agency?

The response:

R.Plis: Our expertise, that is where we have in-depth knowledge and extensive experience corroborated by  successfully realized projects, is complex PR-moving programs for a period of 6 months up to 3 years, PR in the B2B sector, Digital PR, Internet PR, integration of online and offline formats, video content (PR video clips filmed for the Internet).

[the question is asked via press-studio e-mail] The European agencies specialize in 1-2 practices. It is clear that it’s next to impossible in Ukraine. What strong practices does Publicity Creating possess?

The response:

R.Plis: We have several developed industry practices: medical / pharmaceutical, construction, IT, agricultural, FMCG. At the same time we have been successfully working on all markets for 15 years, as well as in the B2B and B2C segments.

[the question is asked via press-studio e-mail] How long has your company been engaged in PR? What are your most well-known customers? What projects are you proud of? Thank you!

The response:

V.Kureiko: We are proud of every project that was implemented by Publicity Creating, as each client and project are interesting and important in their own way. In addition, we are proud when a client looks at us and frankly says - thank you! Therefore, any project, small or big, plays a great role for the agency in terms of the feedback, when a client was content with the job done. On the other hand, in case we are speaking about TMs, there were thousands of projects and hundreds of clients. In this respect we can recall the American corporation, which celebrated its century operating on the market, and we had won a tender to conduct this event in Kyiv. "Bogdan" has also remained in our memories, when we took journalists to the Cherkassy bus plant for the first time. We worked with ABBYY (a distributor of 1C:), implemented large-scale projects for TM DAIKIN (Japanese conditioners). We are reminiscent of a very interesting project carried out for URSA heat-insulation products, a series of regional round tables conducted for the pharmaceutical company, TEVA, a media tour to Ukraine for the insurance Company INGO Ukraine ...This is to name but few.  Concerning the Ukrainian companies, here we can name TM "Monarch", "EKO-market," the company "Nebesna Krinitsya", "MIROPLAST" factory... and many more companies which specialize in the B2B sector, both foreign and Ukrainian ones.

Аlina Alieva:

I have a following question if you don’t mind: the cover page in FB reads "15 years on the market." And how old is the Ukrainian PR market?  What main stages of its formation could you single out? Thank you!

The response:

The PR market in Ukraine originated in the early 90's with the appearance of the first foreign PR agencies in the country. In January 1998 there emerged the first Ukrainian PR agency - it was Publicity Creating. So the Ukrainian PR market has been around for approximately 20 years (for comparison - the first PR office in the United States appeared in 1900), while in the 90th the market was just emerging. PR was not separated from the advertising and other types of marketing communications, there were extremely few agencies and there were no public organizations, thematic resources or industry events.  What is even more crucial, the most of the companies did not understand what actually PR was, why it was needed etc. In fact, the market development has commenced since 2000 and continued up to the crisis in 2008. Then there was a decline of the market which lasted for about 2-3 years.  In overall the market recovered itself within the last 2 years and continues to evolve till now, albeit under complicated conditions. I deem, the main landmarks of the Ukrainian market were the appearance of the first Ukrainian PR agency (1998), separation of the PR domain from the advertising (by the way our company contributed into this process greatly),  the establishment of the professional associations (PR-League, UAPR) in 2002 , the appearance of the first specialized Internet information resource (Publicity.kiev.ua - in 2003), the emergence of the isolated tenders for PR - in 2006. Crisis that occurred in 2008-2011 years also became a definite "milestone" in the market development, meaning that there were huge changes in the media market, which in turn had an enormous impact on the PR domain. As a result more inefficient structures left the market, customer requirements changed, budgets decreased, the connection betweeb the PR and marketing results increased. Since 2011 a new stage of the market development has broken out which is directly correlated to the development of the social networks.


Tell me, please, in case it’s an open secret, how did you manage to effectively operate in our unstable world, in Ukraine in particular, for 15 years

The response:

R.Plis: Frankly speaking, this is sometimes surprising for us as well. Globally, it is due to the great diligence and a constant desire to move forward, aspiration to self-improvement, ability to "attack yourself" is very important. In this case the company is growing and evolving despite everything, and of course we all know what those 15 years actually were - from 1998 and till the present day - crises, extremely huge changes on the market, including those in the media, economy and politics. And to keep the bar high has been hard but very interesting.


What actually does the concept of public relations embrace according to the market experts? Well, we know that PR is usually divided into black and white, however now the invisible PR is mentioned in the topic. So what is the most correct way to classify and distinguish PR?

The response:

R. Plis: As for the definitions, someone has counted about 100 definitions (as for today), one may read about them in different books and actually all of them are correct in their own way. In terms of the practical point of view and as we understand it, first of all, PR and advertising are different things. We can’t call PRn"free advertising" or actually any kind of advertising. These are different tools that serve different purposes and it is the first thing to understand.  As of today PR separated from the advertising long ago. PR is a set of communication efforts, which a brand, company or a person are exerting to shape a definite opinion about themselves, create publicity and positive reputation. There are a wide range of tools that help to accomplish this. PR is always some kind of a dialogue. This is commonly accepted that "black» PR is a type of PR which is not correct in terms of content, methods, that is what the experts in this domain don’t resort to. "White" PR is a correct, classic PR, respectively, and is based generally on the positive aspects; it is exceedingly civilized. "Invisible" PR is probably the first class in the sense that no one took notice of such PR. These are the efforts, methods that someone has applied and got the result, however nobody figured this out,  I mean – nobody from the general public.

Alexander Kravets: What PR tools are the most fashionable and popular in the world and in Ukraine? Which PR tools will be the most popular in 2013?

The response:

R. Plis: Speaking about trends, nowadays Digital PR is especially popular as well as integration of offline and online formats, which are constantly upgraded and enriched (online coverage of the offline event in particular). Development of public relations now goes hand in hand with the Internet and social networks’ development. Publicity Creating efficiently implements these tools, we have entered into this trend with confidence and, thus, we feel quite confident. At the same time, the traditional PR tools did not fade away, though thanks to the new trends they have significantly modernized.

Have I understood accurately that there is a kind of crisis of qualified experts in your business area?

The response:

V.Kureiko: PR is very trendy in our country, therefore the market is saturated with the job offers, although you do need to seek for qualified specialist. However, there has been always a shortage of real experts.


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